恩典之家四方教會  是由5位委身傳福音的小群體開始,向普吉特海灣地區不斷增長的華人社群分享耶穌。我們深知是耶穌拯救我們並使我們脫離罪惡,綑綁和過去的傷害,因認識到神的愛使我們這個核心團隊在基督裡與上帝所帶來的人分享這種自由。 2017年11月,植堂牧師Daniel 和他的妻子完成了西北區教會植堂培訓(101,201,301課程)的三個學期,在Mill Creek四方教會主任牧師Chris Manginelli 和拓展牧師Ben Dixon指導下。開始了Mill Creek四方教會的一個華語會眾,在2017年1月恩典之家舉辦了一場異象分享會。團隊一起在祈禱中等候主的指引,在2017年9月開始了兩個生命小組,過了一年後我們在9月9日2018 年開始主日正式崇拜,是Mill Creek四方教會的第五個會眾教會。

House of Grace Foursquare Church began as a core team of 5 individuals with a vision to point out Jesus to a growing population of Mandarin-speaking Chinese in the Puget Sound area. Knowing that it is Jesus who saves and frees us from sin, bondage and past hurts, and recognizing that God's love compels us, this core team wanted to share this freedom in Christ with whomever God would bring. In November 2017, planting pastor, Daniel, and his wife completed three terms of the Northwest District Church Planting cohort (101, 201, 301) under the mentorship of Pastor Chris Manginelli and Pastor Ben Dixon of Mill Creek Foursquare Church. As a congregation of Mill Creek Foursquare Church, House of Grace began with a vision-casting meeting in January, 2017, followed by prayer, waiting on the Lord, and then two Life Groups launched in September, 2017. One year later, in September 2018, God prepared the team to begin corporate worship services as the fifth congregation of Mill Creek Foursquare Church.