
作為四方教會的一員,我們認同國際四方福音教會(ICFG)的教義和異象。這個異象是介紹耶穌基督給每個文化和國家: 祂是救主,聖靈施洗者,醫治者和再來的君王。自從1923年四方教會創立以來,這異象已經不斷地的實現,在美國和海外建立地方教會,培養和培訓信徒進入教會生活中的不同的領導地位,並與基督身體的其他成員合作,遵行聖經的使命,成為世上的“鹽”和“光”。





上帝通過聖經揭示真理,所以我們仔細研究上帝的話語作為生活的權威標準。通過它,聖靈指示我們在日常的靈修生活和小團體與大群體中生命改變的目的(使徒行傳17:11;提摩太后書3:16-17;雅各書1:23-25;彼得後書1:20- 21)。

我們人生的主要目的是與我們神聖而慈愛的天父建立不斷增長的親密關係。宣告我們在耶穌基督裡的盼望,我們喜樂地向祂表達我們全心全意的愛。在每一種情況下,我們都通過藝術,釋放我們的屬靈恩賜和順從的生活來敬拜上帝(馬太福音16:16,馬可福音12:29-30,約翰福音4:23,羅馬書12:1,彼得前書1: 6)。

我們相信在上帝面前,在彼此面前真確地呈現自己,為養成基督的形像做好準備。因此,我們在上帝恩典的關係下承認自己的破碎,因此我們的故事可以成為鼓勵他人的源泉。在充滿僞裝的世界裡,我們努力生活在真實的敞開,正直和謙卑中(羅馬書12:3,加拉太書5:24-26 NLT,腓立比書2:3-5)。

(箴言27:17,馬太福音7:1-2; 12:31,馬可福音12:31;約翰福音13:34-35,使徒行傳2:42-47;羅馬書14:13,哥林多前書13;雅各書5:13- 16)。

當聖靈充滿我們時,我們就會重生。我們順服聖靈,就會不斷地轉變,使我們整個人得到醫治,使我們與耶穌的形象相符,並使我們能在世上準確地反映上帝的形象(約翰福音20:21,使徒行傳1:8,2:38- 39,羅馬書12:1-2,哥林多後書3:18)。

耶穌基督放下自己的生命正是上帝之愛的終極榜樣,對祂的真實委身呼召我們願意犧牲自己。作為基督門徒的共同體,我們致力於一種慷慨的生活方式,帶動我們的關係,財務,時間和觀點,讓天國在正義和希望中蓬勃發展(彌迦書6:8,馬太福音10:39; 25: 31-46;路加福音4:18-19;約翰福音15:13,使徒行傳2:44-45;雅各書2:17,約翰一書3:16)

我們認識到每一代人的智慧,家庭的重要性,以及不同年齡的人都需要在彼此的生活中說出真理。我們一起經歷了上帝的愛,建立了我們的信仰,並且為了將基督傳揚到每一代人而接受服事的訓練(申命記6:6-9,Psa.33.11,Tit.2:3-5,Deut.6: 4-9,彼得前書5:5)。



WHAT WE BELIEVE: As a Foursquare Church, we subscribe to the doctrine and visions of the International Church of the Foursquare Gospel (ICFG). That vision is to present Jesus Christ to every culture and nation as The Savior, The Baptizer with the Holy Spirit, The Healer, and The Soon-Coming King. Since Foursquare's founding in 1923, that vision has been realized through evangelizing the lost, establishing local congregations in the United States and abroad, nurturing and training believers into leadership at all levels of Church life, and cooperating with other members of the Body of Christ to fulfill the Biblical mandate to be "salt" and "light" on the earth.

Today, the number of members and adherents in the Foursquare Church worldwide stands at 8,689,541 worshiping in 74,481 churches and meeting places in 146 countries. At the end of the reporting year, there were 92,623 Foursquare ministers and workers. 

The Foursquare Church actively participates in the National Association of Evangelicals, The American Bible Society, Pentecostal/Charismatic Churches of North America, the Pentecostal World Conference, and the Evangelical Fellowship of Missions Agencies. 

To learn more about the Foursquare family, our doctrinal beliefs, or to find another Foursquare church, visit www.foursquare.org

Our Values:

Truth is revealed by God through the Bible, so we carefully study God’s Word as the authoritative standard for living.  Through it, the Holy Spirit instructs us in daily devotions and in small and large groups for the purpose of life change (Acts 17:11; 2 Timothy 3:16-17; James 1:23-25; 2 Peter 1:20-21).

Our primary purpose in life is to enter into an ever-increasing intimacy with our holy and loving Father.  Declaring our hope in Jesus Christ, we joyfully express our whole-hearted love to him.  In every circumstance, we worship God through the arts, the releasing of our spiritual gifts, and in lives of obedience (Matthew 16:16, Mark 12:29-30, John 4:23, Romans 12:1, 1 Peter 1:6).

We believe an accurate presentation of ourselves before God and before one another prepares the way for being conformed into the image of Christ.  Thus, we acknowledge our own brokenness within the context of God’s grace, so that our stories may be a constant source of encouragement to others.  In a world of pretense, we strive to live in genuine openness, integrity, and humility (Romans 12:3, Galatians 5:24-26 NLT, Philippians 2:3-5).

The way of Jesus embraces the image of God in all people everywhere.  Therefore, we live closely with one another in order to carry each other’s burdens, share our possessions, and to suffer and celebrate together.  In this truth, we live as family, strengthening each other and the community we call home
(Proverbs 27:17, Matthew 7:1-2; 12:31, Mark 12:31; John 13:34-35, Acts 2:42-47; Romans 14:13, 1 Corinthians 13; James 5:13-16).

We are reborn when the Holy Spirit fills us. We yield to the Spirit for ongoing transformation that brings healing to the whole of us, conforms us to the image of Jesus, and allows us to accurately reflect God in the world (John 20:21, Acts 1:8, 2:38-39, Romans 12:1-2, 2 Corinthians 3:18).

Jesus Christ laid down his life as the ultimate example of the fullness of God’s love, and authentic devotion to him calls us to sacrifice.  As a community of Christ’s followers, we commit ourselves to a lifestyle of generosity that affects our relationships, finances, time and perspectives, allowing the kingdom of heaven to flourish in justice and hope (Micah 6:8, Matthew 10:39; 25:31-46; Luke 4:18-19; John 15:13, Acts 2:44-45; James 2:17, 1 John 3:16).

We recognize the wisdom of every generation, the importance of the family, and the need for people of all ages to speak truth into each other’s lives. Together we experience the love of God, build up our faith, and are equipped for ministry in order to extend Christ to each generation (Deuteronomy 6:6-9, Psa. 33.11, Tit. 2:3-5, Deut. 6:4-9, 1 Peter 5:5).

Sin fractured the relationship between God and humanity.  Jesus gave his life so that everyone could receive forgiveness and be reconciled to God.  Our missional responsibility is reconciliation through intentional outreach in a variety of cultures, locally and globally, and through authentic friendships (Matthew 18:14, 28:19-20, John 3:16, John 20:21, 2 Corinthians 5:18-21, 2 Timothy 2:2).